
קריטריונים לפרויקטים של מועדונים

When choosing projects and recipients, the club adheres to the following principles:
  • we do not replace the functions of the state. If the recipient is entitled to assistance from budgetary sources, we can only advise on how to get it better and more efficiently;
  • we do not participate in "hopeless projects". No matter how cynical it may sound, the club prefers to send its help to where it can make a difference, and not "make things easier";
  • the help of the club should be significant. This means that the club will not become one of the hundreds of donors in global projects, instead the club will prefer to participate in a small local project with an obvious result;
  • the club prefers to "give a rod, not a fish". Education, purchasing equipment or computers, creating a job is more attractive for us than buying gifts for the New Year or going to a tournament for young athletes. Although in each case the decision is made individually.
  • the project must be consistent with the goals and ideas of Rotary, as well as the Rotary four-questionnaire.
  • the project should be finite in time and aimed at helping and solving problems in the long term.
  • unscheduled allocation of funds to solve individual short-term tasks is possible only on issues requiring urgent intervention.
  • the project gives the club the opportunity to influence the final result of the project.
  • the project cannot be contrary to the laws of the State of Israel, as well as the implementation of the project must be safe for the club and its members.
  • the project provides for the possibility of a wide information presentation of the project in social networks and the media and to have a positive impact on the image of the club and the Rotary movement as a whole. We do not do anonymous projects.